The importance in to realize the strategy

ODMany companies think that build a great organization is, in other words, make a “beautiful” strategic plan which can be responsible for the growth during the years. But, if you look to the great companies you will realize that there are different ways to reach success. The main question in this case is not about what was the innovation that transformed the company, but what she is doing now to maintain her success.

I´m not telling that strategic plans or cashflow control are not important. Actually, they are essential to give the company the possibility to keep growing.  But, I think that improve the sense about what is the core business to all the people who work in a company is the only way to look to the future. When the employees can realize what matters to the organization and what is necessary to do to keep meeting goals the company becomes stronger, because she doesn´t waste time, money and energy doing things that are not important. In other words, when everyone works for the same goal the result is bigger and better.

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